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Assassination studies:


50 years after the Robert Kennedy assassination (01:07:02)

A different view on the RFK assassination (26:32)

A fresh look at the RFK, JFK, MLK assassinations (36:14)

A gay cannibal patsy for drug cartel murder (pt. 1) (4:26)

A gay cannibal patsy for drug cartel murder (pt. 2) (3:17)

A leader murdered by the CIA (01:40)

A missing piece of the JFK puzzle (28:03)

A secret genocide (25:29)

America's Murder Inc. (11:40)

Another unsolved DC murder (48:45)

Anthony Bourdain (04:41)

Assassinations, coups and other censored American history (21:36)

Bob Marley: Born February 6, 1945 (7:33)

Brave woman assassinated by Hilary's friends in Honduras (14:52)

Bush family connections to Reagan's "shooter" (5:25)

But he's OUR terrorist (4:18)

Can people be hypnotically programmed to kill? (4:00)

Can you hypnotize people to kill? (47:46)

CIA Agents killed Robert Kennedy (8:10)

CIA fingerprints on the RFK assassination (07:07)

Conspiratus Ubiquitus (1:27:31)

Coup D' Etat in Slow Motion (14:24)

Coup mastermind photographed in Dealey Plaza (9:46)

"Criminalizing journalism" (19:17)

Crisis creation: 1981 style (13:10)

Did the CIA kill this Hollywood screenwriter? (7:27)

Diplomacy by assassination (17:37)

Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick (3:27:56)

Executed by "suicide" (20:54)

Fake UFO cults (06:55)

Finally, some decent reporting on Epstein (09:55)

Full movie: "The Internet's Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz" (1:45:00)

Giving the assassins a clear shot (5:00)

Gun Running, Narcotics & Assassination teams (29:51)

Hackers can now control your car (12:16)

"He reloaded the gun five times" (03:58)

Hillary Clinton political critic murdered in Honduras (05:05)

Hoover, The Mob, LBJ and The Texas Connection (9:11)

How did Kurt Cobain die? (02:51)

How U.S. Presidents are "neutralized" (5:00)

How UK elites kill to get their way (50:31)

I Led Three Lives (14;00)

In the US, power + principled stand too often equals assassination by "lone nut" (9:31)

Israel's Murder Inc. laid bare (07:04)

"It doesn't add up" (02:08)

Jack Ruby (5:56)

Karen Silkwood - Murdered whistle blower (16:23)

Kennedy assassination plan in Miami (05:13)

Kennedy knew a coup was coming (3:46)

Kent State - 1970 (2:38)

Key cell phone hacking witness dead (5:47)

Kill anything that moves (25:32)

Kill the messenger (52:05)

Lone gunman, no visible means of support (01:30)

Lone nuts and the "strategy of tension" (02:56)

Media coverage of Sikh Temple shooting locked-in to an 'official' storyline (5:45)

More assassinations by suicide (7:55)

Multiple shooters in Orlando? (07:01)

Oswald and the Cancer epidemic (02:20:05)

Oswald Doubles (7:52)

Oswald was CIA (08:20)

Oswald's last call (9:30)

Polish mystery (5:00)

Preparing the public mind (4:22)

President Kills U.S. Citizen (3:53)

Questions not asked, questions not answered (13:12)

Reagan shooter John Hinckley freed (01:27:47)

"Rehabilitating" Kissinger (18:19)

RFK assassination photos destroyed by the LAPD (10:03)

Ron Paul, ACLU Condemn Targeted Killing (1:30)

Secretary of State doubts JFK story (7:18)

Setting up the kill (4:22)

Sirhan Sirhan (10:55)

SPECIAL REPORT: The "suicide" of Jefferey Epstein (03:40)

Stealing JFK's Body (7:30)

Strangled by the Octopus (01:06:59)

The "Human Rights Abuses: Expose the Cover-Ups" Conference (27:36)

The Alex Jones Jones Switcheroo

The assassination of Bob Marley (17:29)

The Assassination of John Lennon (7:00)

The Assassination of Martin Luther King (3:11)

The assassination of Medgar Evers (11:35)

The assassination team (8:47)

The CIA was there beyond the shadow of doubt (8:00)

The CIA's Heart Attack Gun (2:43)

The Deep State (1:18:34)

The false flag attack against Cuba (02:58)

The Franklin Scandal - Another blackmail ring (3:21)

The Gangster Nature of the State (47:31)

The Hinckley-Reagan show (1:27:48)

The history of Israel's spy agencies (54:57)

The history of political suicides (12:04)

"The Internet's Own Boy" (2:11)

The JFK assassination update (01:21:10)

The Kennedy assassination and the shut down of the media (6:59)

The killing Osama fraud (01:01:44)

The Kissinger Era (59:11)

The magic bullet explained (02:28)

The man who stopped SOPA and saved the internet. (22:52)

The murder of journalist Michael Hastings (27:11)

The mysterious death of a maverick doctor (11:19)

The mysterious death of Jimi Hendrix (1:02:22)

The mysterious death of Ron Brown (01:00:44)

The only person to get a private interview with Jack Ruby (1:07:20)

The party before the assassination (11:07)

The real assassination target in Tucson? (5:00)

The REAL Bill O'Reilly Scandal (4:26)

The real truth about the assassination of JFK (32:40)

The rise and fall of Epstein's "fake" passport (26:13)

The San Bernardino Spectacle and how the Israelis handle guns and terrorism (from 10/15) (00:42)

The Saudi Government beheaded 19 people in the month of August 2014 (04:45)

The scariest 'mind control' drug in the world (35:44)

The short trial of Lee Harvey Oswald (12:56)

The slaughter of Libya (03:31)

The strange death of Thomas Merton (14:24)

The two Oswalds (14:35)

The unexplained death of Andrew Moulden Ph.D. MD (01:09:08)

The work of Mark Lombardi (2:39)

This technology exists: It has for decades (11:55)

Thomas Merton, anti-war hero (12:49)

Thoughts about the death of Anthony Bourdain (05:40)

Two guns used in Robert Kennedy assassination (2:39)

Two Oswalds (32:03)

Watergate murder (3:28)

Who benefited from the recent assassination? (00:00)

Who Programmed Sirhan Sirhan? (3:28)

Who really shot Ronald Reagan? (01:27:47)

Who was Thomas Merton and why was he killed (04:32)

Why Epstein was killed and who did it (17:53)

Why they killed King (20:00)

Why weren't there any witnesses? (15:01)

Wikileaks source killed? (02:03)

Witness: "Sirhan didn't do it" (10:01)

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