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The layout for submitting pages
Please follow it exactly
You must NEVER copy the Youtube headline or copy text from the YouTube page.
We once did this by accident and it caused us to lose our advertising account for six weeks and almost put us out of business.
All writing must be entirely original. No paraphrasing.Thanks.
Each video needs both:
a) text for the email and
b) text for a video page.
Instructions on how to write them and lay them out below
Video page layout
Here is how to submit write ups of a video page.
Please follow this format exactly.
(Copy, paste and fill in the blanks)
URL: This is where the URL goes
T This is where the title goes
S This is where the subhead under the title goes
C This is where the caption under the video goes
Put the text here. A minimum of 50 words.
Please keep the paragraphs short. In other words, no big blocks of text.
Avoid exclamation points. Sometimes just a calm, clear statement of the facts plenty dramatic.
Good writing is always important, but frankly the text is to fulfill a "regulatory" requirement that Google has.
Without text, Google will not run its ads. Without their ads, I cannot pay the server bill and other hard costs involved in running the site. (Yes, it is a deal with the devil.)
E-mail layout
Here is how to submit email text.
Please follow this format exactly.
(Copy, paste and fill in the blanks)
Subject: Here is where you put the subject line.
The text of the email goes here. Keep them
short and punchy.
In emails, do not let the text of the email go longer
than the length of the URL below. Use RETURN
key to keep the line width short.
This is the longest an email should ever be.
URL (web address) goes here
Fine points
1. The subject line of the email is the MOST important
piece of writing.
2. The next important piece is the email
3. These are what encourage people to
click. Clicks is what keeps us in "business"
Emails are the teaser, the appetizer, the
cliff hanger that gets the reader curious
about the "rest of the story" and inspires
them to click.
As stated above, they should be short.
4. You can re-use the email subject line
in the Title (the T) of the video page.
5. Writing good email subject lines is an
art. Study how I do it. If I change the one
you submit, see if you can figure out
why I made the change.
Because the emails are so important, I will
probably be re-writing many of them
but do you best.
Brasscheck TV's answer to the normal human question: "What can I do?"
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