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93% of Americans have Bisphenol-A in their blood and urine
Program length - 11:31
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by EVaccines
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has a list of over 400 known chemicals that cause neurotoxic effect on the brain. The effect is in the brains ability to grow and develop properly. Bisphenol-A is one of the chemicals on this list; EPA Building a Database of Developmental Neurotoxicants http://www.epa.gov/ncct/toxcast/files/summit/48P%20Mundy%20TDAS.pdf

After becoming aware of the disclosures made by the EPA lets go over to the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health where we will learn how BPA affects our bodies and the brains of laboratory animals: http://www.jhsph.edu/publichealthnews/articles/2008/goldman_schwab_bpa.html
With 6 billion pounds of BPA being produced each year it is no wonder why it is in 93% of people tested. Money is definitely a factor in the decisions of governments to ban or limit the import/export of Bisphenol-A. For instance here you can see the United States government telling France that they cannot ban BPA because it will hurt U.S. exports: http://experimentalvaccines.org/Sweden
Scientific America reported on April 1st 2012 that the U.S. will opt Not to Ban BPA in canned foods: http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=us-opts-not-to-ban-bpa-in-can
Science Daily reported that: Bisphenol -A Exposure In Pregnant Mice Permanently Changes DNA Of Offspring:http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/06/090610124428.htm
For more information and links, visit experimentalvaccines.org
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