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Al Qaeda and the West team up
to frame Syrian government for massacre

Program length - 3:15


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 Houla, Syria Stunt Proves: Old Tricks are the Best Tricks

Tony Cartalucci

As information trickles out of Houla, Syria, near the city of Homs and the Lebanese-Syrian border, it is becoming clear that the Syrian government was not responsible for shelling to deaths some 32 children and their parents, as periodically claimed and denied by Western media and even the UN itself. It appears that instead, it was death squads at close quarters � accused by anti-government �activists� as being �pro-regime thugs� or �militias,� and by the Syrian government as the work of Al Qaeda terrorists linked to foreign meddlers.

As the killings were allegedly taking place, US, British, and French representatives were already preparing to accuse, condemn, and level punishment against the Syrian government, calling for an immediate UN Security Council session as well as the convening of the �Friends of Syria� cadre to seek expanded arms shipments and aid to militants. It was politically motivated haste, an opportunity engineered or otherwise, for the West to push forward with its long sought after regime change. NATO during the same period, had just slaughtered a family of 8, including 6 children in Afghanistan, so surely if humanitarian concerns and justice were driving these foreign interests, Afghanistan would have been brought up along with Houla.  It unfortunately was not.

Image: Before and after BBC�s reckless/deceitful journalism. (click image to enlarge) Notice how the image on the left is �unverified� like most of what the Western media reports regarding Syria, and that this photo was supplied by �activists� who have been revealed as serial liars (see here & here). Visit Syd Walker�s blog to see the original screen grabs and story.


It was also during this haste to publicize and distort the violence to maximum effect, that BBC deceitfully published a photograph of mass graves in Iraq, years old, claiming as they do all their �evidence,� it originated from �pro-democracy activists,� once again challenging the veracity of a year�s worth of claims coming from these consistently dubious sources.

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Phony �Houla Massacre�: How Media Manipulates Public Opinion For Regime Change in Syria

Intelligent skeptics should see through the media�s smoke screen in order to work out what is really going on in Syria

Patrick Henningsen

If you are still needing an academic tutorial on exactly how the mainstream media is able to generate a completely phony public consensus to support foreign intervention projects, you need look no further than the dangerous, fictional narrative currently being rolled out regarding Syria.

This past Saturday and Sunday morning, almost every major corporate mainstream newspaper and TV network in North America and in Europe ran with the average headline, �Massacre of the children as Syrian forces hit rebels�, giving hundreds of millions of readers and viewers to artificial impression that it was Syrian government forces � and not western-backed terrorist groups, who carried out a massacre on children and others days ago - even though, the true culprit of these attacks has not yet been determined � a fact which was only briefly mentioned later on in these very same media reports.

One of the UK best-selling weekend papers and most widely read online journals, Guardian media group�s The Observer, ran such a headline � one which shamelessly implied that the Syrian government carried out a massacre in Houla. This was used to shape public opinion in Europe, a reality which is later shaped for the North American market.

Corporate Journalism: The Art of Deception

It shouldn�t take a genius to see through this relentless western effort to takeover Syria, but not having learned their lesson from Libya, so many hard working and well educated westerners are bound to fall for it all over again.

Cui bono? Who benefits� from another civilian massacre? Clearly not the Syrian government. But western-backed terrorist groups who have been working to destabilize the country for over one year now, do clearly benefit.

Who would be the chief suspect for this latest massacre? How about the western-backed terrorists in Syria � the very same terrorist groups admitted to their own bombing campaign that killed many innocent people in Syria only weeks ago.

Important to add here also, that the latest child massacre in Syria has been reported as being �done with knives� � which doesn�t sound like a government attack to any intelligent reader.

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