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NYPD police union threatens the mayor

Says cops will take the law into their own hands


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35,000, out-of control, and armed


There are 35,000 armed NYPD officers.

A few days ago their union leader stated that the mayor of New York had "blood on his hands" for the recent shooting of two NYC cops, that there would be "consequences" and that they will from here on be self-directing. In other words, they will do what they want to do, not what they are ordered to do.

The problem of a having a tax-payer funded armed force posing as peace officers, a significant percentage of whom are just a step or to away of being thugs themselves, exists in every city in America.

What's going to happen when the society can no longer afford to pay these "heroes" their massive salaries, benefits and pensions for doing what amounts to just a little more than nothing every day?

What happened in Iraq after all of Saddam Hussein's thugs suddenly found themselves unemployed?

This is not a joke and it's alarming that the local media instead of calling out the union chief on his outrageous comments, is amplifying them.

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