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What no one teaches you about health
Speaker: Prof. Simon Carding
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From Norwich Medical School at the University of East Anglia
What no one teaches you about health
Your gut is the key to your health.
The speaker is Prof. Simon Carding and he's from Norwich Medical School at the University of East Anglia, UK.
All ancient medical systems - Chinese, Indian, Native American, African - knew this.
Hippocrates knew it.
Intelligent doctors up to the 19th century knew this
With the introduction of Big Pharma, doctors "forgot."
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We recommend these books as a foundation for educating yourself about health in the 21st Century.
An MD tells the truth: A huge percentage of illnesses come from environmental and food factors...and you can do something about that.
Clean, Green, and Lean
A medical approach to treating the countless illnesses created by 21st century living.
Honest Health
Little-known treatments your doctor probably doesn't know anything about - written by the daughter of a skeptical doctor.
Books by Sherry Rogers MD
How modern medicine is killing you and what you can do about it.
- Is Your Cardiologist Killing You?
- The Environmental Illness Syndrome
- Tired or Toxic?
- The Cholesterol Hoax
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