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The Brasscheck Five Point Action Program (Ver 1.0)
Real information for real change
Much of what Brasscheck reports is dark, but the purpose of our reporting is not to make you despondent. We're simply covering elements of reality that the corporate/government news media withholds from you.
Before positive productive action can be planned and taken, accurate assessments of conditions have to be made.
Brasscheck is designed to stimulate discussion, encourage future research and inspire positive action.
If you're seeking an answer to the question "What can I do?" here's a five point course of action from the simplest actions to the most complex that might stimulate your thinking.
1. Study reality and dismantle propaganda
That's what Brasscheck TV videos are designed to do. Sometimes they are complete packets of information. Sometimes they are springboards for additional research.
Realize that it's a process that never ends - because propagandists and professional liars (PR people, "journalists," paid-for scientists and doctors, government officials etc.) never stop manufacturing new self-serving bullshit.
2. Use what you learn to protect yourself, your family and friends and your community - and to make their lives better
Sometimes it's immediately obvious what to do in response to information. Sometimes it's not. Act on what you can act on.
KEY POINT: Support positive alternatives for yourself and others. Create them too.
For example, most people are all but enslaved to the products of a toxic corporate food industry. You can start weaning yourself off that today and it will have many positive effects both in your own life and beyond.
See our sister channel The Real Food Channel for information and ideas.
3. Don't cooperate with evil doers
Ignorance is a form of cooperation.
Giving the authorities "the benefit of the doubt" is a form of cooperation.
Getting swept up in a wave of corporate/government media-generated hysteria on any subject is a form of cooperation.
Doing business with unethical banks and companies is a form of cooperation.
You can help - and help a lot - by simply withdrawing your cooperation and consent.
4. Help victims
Many entirely innocent people have been and continue to be the victims of the corporate/government. You don't have to look far to find them. If you're so inclined, you can share your resources with victims directly or find reliable groups that do good work.
Note: Large "non-profits" like the Red Cross are not generally good organizations to give money to.
5. Work to undermine The System
Notice I didn't say "fight."
The System loves nothing more than for people to fight it.
They have exponentially more guns and gun thugs and it won't be even a remotely fair fight.
So how do you undermine The System?
Review the first four action points and use your own creativity and imagination. Ideas will come to you. It's a life's work, not something you figure out in a minute or a day.
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If just 1% of the population thought and acted this way on a daily basis, it would be the start of a massive irresistible change.
Good luck in your self-education and all your positive endeavors. No one said life was easy (well, the TV did, but it was wrong.)
Brasscheck TV's answer to the normal human question: "What can I do?"
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